Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Fiesta in Philippines

In Philippines, each region has own fiesta once a year at that day people cerebrate their own saint in their region. Even though I am a stranger, fortunately I got a chance to join the cerebration in Danao in Cebu on 25th August, because my teacher invited me and my friends to the cerebration.
The place where people held the cerebration was small village on the mountain in Danao city. It was one of the most rural place I have ever been to, but I loved the atmosphere probably making people there kind and gentle. Actually, people in the village were very kind because they gave us so much.
The family of our teacher invited us to the house to let us eat Lechon, a traditional food in Philippines. Lechon was a whole roasted pig. In Philippines people eat it in the Fiesta, because it is really expensive food in Philippines, 4000 pesos according to a man in the village. It was very tasty, and especially I liked the skin because it was crispy.
After eating Lechon, we drunk coconut juice and ate raw cacao, but I didn't like cacao because its smell was like a fish. And then, we went to other house and sang songs by Karaoke with villagers while drinking tanduai which is famous Ram in Philippines. They were so nice people that we enjoyed the time so much.
So, this was a fiesta. It was more usual than I had thought, but it was more fun than I had thought. There was nothing special, but the time itself was special. I love it.