Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Fiesta in Philippines

In Philippines, each region has own fiesta once a year at that day people cerebrate their own saint in their region. Even though I am a stranger, fortunately I got a chance to join the cerebration in Danao in Cebu on 25th August, because my teacher invited me and my friends to the cerebration.
The place where people held the cerebration was small village on the mountain in Danao city. It was one of the most rural place I have ever been to, but I loved the atmosphere probably making people there kind and gentle. Actually, people in the village were very kind because they gave us so much.
The family of our teacher invited us to the house to let us eat Lechon, a traditional food in Philippines. Lechon was a whole roasted pig. In Philippines people eat it in the Fiesta, because it is really expensive food in Philippines, 4000 pesos according to a man in the village. It was very tasty, and especially I liked the skin because it was crispy.
After eating Lechon, we drunk coconut juice and ate raw cacao, but I didn't like cacao because its smell was like a fish. And then, we went to other house and sang songs by Karaoke with villagers while drinking tanduai which is famous Ram in Philippines. They were so nice people that we enjoyed the time so much.
So, this was a fiesta. It was more usual than I had thought, but it was more fun than I had thought. There was nothing special, but the time itself was special. I love it.

My trip plan

 I am now not in Japan but in Cebu in Philippines from September 25th to study English in the English school until 23th November. After finishing studying here, I will go traveling around Southeast Asia countries.
I will upload about my trip in this site. And, If you want watch my photoes, you can watch them through this site. I always upload my photoes in it. I hope you like it.

My plan

  • Sep 22-25 Shanghai in China
  • Sep 25-28 Manila in Philippines
  • Sep28-Nov Cebu in Philippines to study English
  • Nov 28- Kota kinabalu in Malaysia
  • Dec 10- Brunei
  • Dec 15- Kuala Lumpule in Malaysia
  • Dec 18- Penang in Malysia
  • Dec25 Bangkok in Thailand
  • Dec 26 Phi Phi Island in Thailand
  • Jan 5- Thailand, Laos, Combodia, Vietnam, China

The Emperor and The Emperess came to my University

As I wrote, The Emperor and Empress of Japan came to my University with Spanish King and Queen to watch a robot suit called HAL and to meet some students. According to my friend, our University has checked the buildings where they would come carefully since few weeks, checking, for example, whether is it possible to close all curtains in higher places or not to prevent people from watching them from higher places than the place where The Emperor use. Unfortunately, I couldn't get pictures because it was difficult for my friend to take pictures among much people. But, this blog shows the incidents, though not enough.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How does Japanese use Wikipedia?

I got an interesting information in this site. I am not sure how much we can believe this information, but I think this is true to some extent. This graph is the ranking of the times of editing the page in Wikipedia in English, French, and Japanese.

According to this information, in English almost all are about political issue and in France also the ranking are almost composed of only political issues and historical incidents. On the other hand, the ranking in Japanese Wikipedia consist of almost only animations and TV programs. For example, the number of animations is 12 and the number of TV program is 4 and one is about Adult Video only among top 20.

Of course I think this site is partial and exaggerated to some extent. For example, the day of collecting the ranking is different at each countries, indicating the intention of the man who made the ranking. Even so, I think it tell about Japan well because many Japanese use the Internet like this ranking. This is also Japan.

The Emperor and Emperess of Japan will come to my University

The Emperor and Emperess of Japan will come to my University , the University of Tsukuba in Japan, with Spanish king and his wife today. Unfortunately, I am now in Cebu. Then, I am not allowed to be in audiance but, my friend can attend the ceremony fortunetely and give me the information about it. Then, when I get the information, I will update it.

New 7 wonders of the world

New 7 wonders of the world is the campaign to decide the fittest 7 sites as new 7 wonders of the world. The aim of this campaign is to conserve works of monuments worldwide, based on the motto of this campaign is "Our Heritage is Our Future".

The first comping was taken last year. In the first campaign, the seven sites were elected by more than 100 millions votes. Now the second campaign is undertaking. We can know the top 77 nominees in the site. Until the end of this year, the voting for nominees will continue. Then, top 77 sites can proceed to the next stage after only one site will be decided per country. Voting will continue throw on 7 July 2009, when the Panel of Experts will choose the fittest 21 sites. Then new 7 wonders of the world will be elected among the 21 sites by the votes on 21 July 2009.

Of course I hope a Japanese site will be chosen. And, I also hope Chocolate Hills in Philippines will be one of 7 wonders, because I went there just few days ago and like the place. In the latest ranking, Chocolate Hills is the 4th among all nominees. I will they keep going.

Opening as a bloger

This is a blog written by Japanese. I will write about from tiny things about myself and my opinions frunkly.
I have two main purposes to write this blog. One is to tell about myself to my friends who I met in foreign countries. Another is to brush up my English skills. For the second purpose, I think it is better to write my opinons about some topics. Then, I am gonna read some airticles and state my oinions often by using some web sites like Digg.
Yet actually my English skill is so limited that I'm not sure whether I can tell what I thought easily or not. If you would be interested in an article of my blog and response by some ways, it's gonna be my pleasure.