Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How does Japanese use Wikipedia?

I got an interesting information in this site. I am not sure how much we can believe this information, but I think this is true to some extent. This graph is the ranking of the times of editing the page in Wikipedia in English, French, and Japanese.

According to this information, in English almost all are about political issue and in France also the ranking are almost composed of only political issues and historical incidents. On the other hand, the ranking in Japanese Wikipedia consist of almost only animations and TV programs. For example, the number of animations is 12 and the number of TV program is 4 and one is about Adult Video only among top 20.

Of course I think this site is partial and exaggerated to some extent. For example, the day of collecting the ranking is different at each countries, indicating the intention of the man who made the ranking. Even so, I think it tell about Japan well because many Japanese use the Internet like this ranking. This is also Japan.

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